Short: Imagine 2.9 project file for cometj2 Type: gfx/misc Uploader: (Jason Jack) Author: (Jason Jack) 13th April 1994, London, England Readme file for cmtj2imp.lha ---------------------------- Contents: pt3.imp - Imagine project directory pt3.txt - this file pt3.imp is the Imagine 2.9 project for an anim called cometj2. cometj1 was posted up on Aminet - the readme is at the end of this file. cometj2 is very similar; I changed the camera path, changed the particle spheres to multicolored spinning particle tetrahedrons, and doubled the frames. I was trying to blow up a 28MB 486... next time I'll use dodecahedrons ;-) Please - no private mail. All questions/comments/flames to the Imagine Mailing List (details at the end of this file). Share and enjoy :-) Notes: 1) This project file will run equally well on an Amiga or on a PC. Amiga: assign R: to where the pt3.imp dir is PC: subst R: to where the pt3.imp dir is 2) Save memory by changing the particles to spheres and ray-tracing it. Set the RSDP down to 2, add some reflectance and a global brush map - looks good. 3) Save memory by reducing the number of faces, and the emission percentages. The 'random' motions seen in cometj1 are less obvious here. To get a better view try freezing the peanut in space and watch the head from within the tail. I am definitely not a particle guru - the trick with the states and the effect on particles was a result of a failed experiment plus some further trial and error. Mad scientist mode. Yes, I have a machine in the corner that goes BZZzzzzpt (Must get around to rendering that ;-) ) 4) Particles affected by [state] translations of their parent go all flat and wierd when the z-axis crosses the xy-plane. Its like the poles of the z-axis define the height? You can see that peanut.6 only moves slightly. Increasing this will stir things up :-) 5) You'll notice that there is an initial 'cloud' of particles that is noticeably denser than the continuous stream that comes off after. It seems that emitting particles _all_ emit on the first frame (a guess). Enjoy, Jay pt3.imp may be freely distributed so long as this readme stays with it. pt3.imp is Copyright (C) 1994 Jason Jack. All rights reserved. May not be used commercially without the written consent of the author. Applies to stills and animations created using pt3.imp --- Readme file for cometj1 ----------------------- This is a 300 frame anim of a Comet-like blob drifting past. It emits a cloud of particles which fall behind it and have a nice motion. Format is 120x96x5 - the full screen version is a wow but rather too large to upload :-) Designed and tested on an A2000. Rendered on a PC. Compiled into an anim on the A2000. Coming soon: Comet2.anim (gross polygon abuse) and the project file with some notes. Enjoy, Jay --- Copied from the Imagine Mailing List intro ------------------------------------------ To receive the Imagine Mailing List...steaming hot and fresh in your Mailbox.... simply send your request to: In your subject line...please have the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" It only takes one business day at the most for your request to be implemented, and it is done in bulk... so go ahead...use it! Use this same address should you change addresses, machines, account numbers...or anything that might impede your receipt of the IML. Everyone thanks you for your prompt notification on any account changes. :-) --end of file--